Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Reflection on The Compliment Guys.

I think the Compliment Guys is a really excellent idea. It makes people happy, but more than just that. If someone is stressed, or has low morale, a compliment can make them feel better. A good compliment is almost as good as having a discussion with a councilor. Also, and this is a suggestion for the school, maybe we could have our on "compliments club". A few willing students could stand at the school entrances every morning and give compliments to passers-by. So back to the reflection. I think, tomorrow at school, I'll make a goal to compliment at least 5 people. The Compliment Guys are just normal people with a mission. Making people happy.

I chose this image because it is like the sign that the Compliment Guys were holding. Also, it emphasizes that compliments are "price-less".

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