Tuesday, August 11, 2009


1. Hi, my name is Robert, the (not so) handsome. I live with my dad, my mom, my brother John, and my dog Sheila. My hobbies include reading, biking, playing video games, and playing with Sheila. I'm English, Irish, and American.

2. My favorite books include: Airman, by Eion Colfer, The Last Olympian, By Rick Riordan, and Brisingr, by Christopher Paolini.

3. The last new and old movies I've seen are Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen, and Desperuex.

4. My academic goal is to be in the school play.

5. My social goal is to meet new students.

6. My favorite part of vacation was SCUBA diving

7. 5 adjectives to describe me would be: Smart, funny, friendly, shy, fun.


  1. Comments are welcome ALWAYS. Comment or else!

  2. Hey Robert it is Zarina! I know we are not allowed to use text language so I am writing in full sentences! GASP! Like the picture of you and your dog it is cute! The video is kinda random but kinda cool in a weird way...!


  3. Hi, this is sophie nice, yes your dog is Very cute! :)
