Monday, January 24, 2011


Kristallnacht: the night of broken glass. A turning point, in which Adolf Hitler-in some eyes a genius, in others, twisted and evil-revealed his true colours. He didn't just want Jews out of Germany, he wanted to round them up like animals, and eradicate them. But not only the Jews were in danger. The German citizens were also in a perilous position. They could choose to stand by the Jews, and face possible death, or having to leave Germany. Or, they could side with Hitler, the man who brought Germany back to "greatness", and live a life of assurance that they would be safe, the Jews were evil and brought about the horrible things that was inflicted on Germany, and you would be safe, because your race is superior.

Of course, Hitler "helped" people make the choice by putting up propaganda. The dictionary meaning is this: "Chiefly derogatory information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view". Hitler put on his posters and in his speeches that Jews were rich, greedy, arrogant, and responsible for the economic crisis and the loss of the Great War, and that Germans are the perfect race. Naturally, most people sympathized with Hitler.

Jews tried to get out of the country and send out the children through the Kindertransport, and a few succeeded. But some children had to go on their own while their parents stayed behind. Many families never saw each other again. And all the while Hitler was taking his brainwashing to new extremes, hypnotizing the German people.